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- Grant Award Supports Study of Acoma Pueblo’s...
Tucson, Ariz. (August 13, 2018)—Archaeology Southwest has received a $10,000 grant from the Southwest Intervention Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation to support work on the Pueblo of Acoma Preservation Study of the Greater Chaco Landscape.

Goals of the project include:1) having Pueblo of Acoma representatives visit landscapes of Greater Chaco threatened by development; 2) with proper confidentiality, collecting appropriate ethnographic and cultural data; 3) compiling these data and producing a report for the Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs; and 4) producing a confidential report for the Pueblo of Acoma.
“We are very grateful for the National Trust’s support and excited to begin the project later this month,” said Paul Reed, who is the project’s lead investigator.

About Archaeology Southwest
Archaeology Southwest is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Tucson, Arizona, that explores and protects the places of our past across the American Southwest and Mexican Northwest. For three decades, Archaeology Southwest has fostered meaningful connections to the past and respectfully safeguarded its irreplaceable resources. Learn more at archaeologysouthwest.org.
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Media contact:
Paul F. Reed