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- Southwest Archaeology Today for Sept 14, 2005
Archaeology Making the News – A Service of the Center for Desert Archaeology
– Texas Archaeology Society Eviction Rescinded (From Mary Russell): The letter to evict the Society from the museum has been rescinded. Bill Luther and I met with the Deputy City Manager, Deborah Hamlyn, City Attorney, Jennifer Callan and Angela Mora on Friday. We had decided that we needed to ask for a new agreement and we are going to get it. We don’t have to pack up and leave. Thank you one and all for your input and support.
Mary Russell
– Dendrochronology Workshop this Friday in Santa Fe (From Stephen Post):The Historic Santa Fe Foundation will host a Dendrochronology Workshop this Friday, September 16th, based on testing of the Roque Tudesqui House. Dendrochronology is the study and analysis of wood features to aid in determining when certain trees may have been felled and incorporated into a building. It will be led by Tom Windes. The workshop will be held at the Roque Tudesqui House (135 East DeVargas) from 9:00 am until noon and is limited to 20 participants.
To register call (505) 983-2567 or email us at info@historicsantafe.com.
– University of New Mexico Anthropology Book Sale: Don’t miss the annual Lab of Anthropology Book Sale Sat-Sun, Oct 1-2. Lots of really great books to be had for cheap! And it’s all tax deductible! (consult with your tax preparer first though).
– Replica of Zane Grey’s Cabin Nearly Complete, Banquet to Celebrate Mogollon Rim Heritage (Payson): With the opening of the Zane Grey cabin just a month away, the annual fund-raising banquet of the Northern Gila County Historical Society takes on added importance. “The historical society, including the museums and now the cabin are all staffed by volunteers,” said Judy Buettner, vice mayor and a member of the society. “That’s such a critical thing that people know, because we came close a year ago to having to just close.”
– Teodoro Ramirez 19th Century linguist, trader, landowner (Tucson):Teodoro Ramirez was one of the most respected figures in pre-Gadsden Purchase Tucson, Son. – an educated man equally as fluent in Pima and Papago as he was in his native Spanish. He was born Nov. 1, 1791, at San Ignacio, Son., and was the grandson of Juan Cris
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