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- Southwest Archaeology Today for November 26, 2007
Archaeology Making the News – A Service of the Center for Desert Archaeology
– Preservation at Camp Naco Moves Forward: Thousands of American troops swarmed here long ago, a response to border friction of a different era. A visible reminder of that turbulent 1911-1923 timeframe – the stucco-walled barracks and officers quarters of Camp Naco – has been placed on the Arizona Preservation Foundation’s 2007 Most Endangered Historic Places list.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/97yu – Sierra Vista Herald
– Public Meetings on I-10 Bypass begin Tonight: The Arizona Department of Transportation has announced the dates of locations for the next round of public meetings on the subject of an Interstate 10 bypass route. All meetings will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with a presentation at 6 p.m. Please attend a meeting and make your voice heard regarding the impact of an interstate bypass through rural and environmentally sensitive landscapes.
Http://www.cdarc.org/sat/i-10.doc – MS Word Document
– Preserving Hopi Katsina Carving Traditions: When she was 19, Debra Drye took her future in her hands. “One day, I asked my grandfather what would happen to our community when there’s no more kachina carvers. “Without a word, he handed me a knife.” Kachina carvers are traditionally men. Nonetheless, Drye is perhaps the only Hopi woman to reverse long-standing tribal traditions, tackling the challenge of preserving her culture by carving kachina dolls.
– National Heritage Areas Catching on and Generating Controversy: Every region of the country has its own piece of Americana that locals brag about to visitors. Increasingly, they are asking Congress to help spread the word through a little-known federal program that designates National Heritage Areas. After approving just two dozen such areas since the early 1980s, Congress adopted 10 last year. The House signed off on six more last month, and the wait list is growing.
– New Mexico SHPO to Give Talk on Sustainabity and Preservation at the Univeristy of New Mexico: Katherine “Kak” Slick will discuss linking historic preservation with sustainability in a public presentation Nov. 30 in Albuquerque. Gov. Bill Richardson appointed Slick as the state historic preservation officer in 2003. With more than three decades of experience, Slick is considered one of the most accomplished historic preservationists in the country, said Chris Wilson, director of the historic preservation and regionalism program at New Mexico State University’s School of Architecture and Planning. The presentation is free and open to the public, November 30, 2007. It begins at 5 p.m. at UNM’s George Pearl Hall at the School of Architecture and Planning on the corner of Central Ave. and Cornell NE.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/b615 – New Mexico Business Weekly
– Book Review, Reclaiming Din
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