Early Maize in the Greater Southwest (ASW 13-1) (PDF)

When, by what route, and by whom Maize (corn) was introduced into the Southwest is a question that archaeologists have long sought to answer. This issue looks at how answers to some of these questions are being sought and what the implications of the answers might be.


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This Issue’s Articles Include:

Early Maize in the Greater Southwest – William H. Doelle, President, Center for Desert Archaeology
Zea Mays: The Bountiful Crop – Michael W. Diehl, Center for Desert Archaeology
Radiocarbon Dating – David A. Gregory, Desert Archaeology, Inc.
Changing Concepts of the 1st Period of Agriculture in the Southern Southwest – Jonathan B. Mabry, Desert Archaeology, Inc.
Cerro Juanaquena – Robert J. Hard, University of Texas at San Antonio, and John R. Roney, Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque
Spectular Results from Modest Remains – Michelle N. Stevens, Desert Archaeilogy, Inc.
Preliminary Investigations at La Playa, Sonora, Mexico – John P. Carpenter, Wichita State University, Guadalupe Sanches de Carpenter, University of Arizona, and Elisa Cillalpando C. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia-Centro Sonora
Fresnal Shelter – Marilyn D. Tagg, Headquarters, Air Force Material Command
Linguistics – Jane Hill, University of Arizona
The Spread of Maize to the Colorado Plateau – R. G. Matson, University of British Columbia
McEwen Cave – Bruce B. and Lisa W. Huckell, Maxwell Museum, University of New Mexico, and M. Steven Shackley, Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley
Bat Cave – W. H. Wills, University of New Mexico
Las Capas and Early Irrigation Farming – Jonathan B. Mabry, Desert Archaeology, Inc.
Prespectives on Early Agricultural Period Population Size and Sedentism – David A. Gregory, Desert Archaeology, Inc.