All Three Volumes

This comprehensive report brings together decades of research at Salmon Ruins, the earliest and largest outlier built outside Chaco Canyon at AD 1090. Original chapters from the 1970s excavations on architecture, ceramics, lithics, coprolites, kiva wall murals, and archaeobotanical findings, among others, are complimented by new research into room and feature usage, preservation and architecture, fauna, textiles and other perishables, wood-use and tree-ring dating, and ceramic typology and symmetry. In addition, the late Cynthia Irwin-Williams' prescient conclusions about Salmon and Chaco Canyon are published here for the first time.

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Thirty-Five Years of Archaeological Research at Salmon Ruins, New Mexico (3 volumes) AL10

This comprehensive report brings together decades of research at Salmon Ruins, the earliest and largest outlier built outside Chaco Canyon at AD 1090. Original chapters from the 1970s excavations on architecture, ceramics, lithics, coprolites, kiva wall murals, and archaeobotanical findings, among others, are complimented by new research into room and feature usage, preservation and architecture, fauna, textiles and other perishables, wood-use and tree-ring dating, and ceramic typology and symmetry. In addition, the late Cynthia Irwin-Williams’ prescient conclusions about Salmon and Chaco Canyon are published here for the first time.

Volume 1: Introduction, Architecture, Chronology, Conclusions
Volume 2: Ceramic Studies
Volume 3: Archaeobotanical & Other Analytical Studies

Contributors: Karen R. Adams, Rex K. Adams, Eileen Bacha, Larry L. Baker, Vorsila L. Bohrer, Dennis R. Danielson, John F. Doebley, Kathy Roler Durand, Stephen R. Durand, Jeffrey L. Eighmy, Nancy Sweet Espinosa, Hayward Franklin, Patricia Hancock, Arthur H. Harris, Cynthia Irwin-Williams, Alton James, Zoe (Paddy) Johnson, Maria A. Jordan, David L. Lentz, Sara Leroy-Toren, Tori L. Myers, Fred L. Nials, Lonnie Pippin, Lori Stephens Reed, Paul F. Reed, Karl J. Reinhard, Phillip H. Shelley, Jeff H. Shipman, Howard N. Smith, Jr., Dorothy K. Washburn, Laurie D. Webster, C. Dean Wilson, Stuart D. Wilson, Thomas C. Windes, Chris L. Zeller

Publication Date: June 2006
$79.95 – three volume set
$29.95 – volume 1, ISBN: 1-886398-52-6
$24.95 – volume 2, ISBN: 1-886398-53-4
$34.95 – volume 3, ISBN: 1-886398-54-2

A joint publication of the Center for Desert Archaeology and Salmon Ruins Museum.

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(Errata for this publication)

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