A New Way of Living (ASW 27-4) (PDF)

Issue editor: Sarah A. Herr

When you envision the Southwest in the distant past, what do you see? Hunters stealthily approaching a mammoth at a lush spring? Women chatting over their chores in a cliff dwelling high above a canyon? Perhaps a group of farmers setting out to make repairs on an extensive canal system fed by a red-brown desert river?

You probably do not imagine modest clusters of mud and wood structures among juniper-dotted grasslands. Yet, understanding life in these small settlements is essential to a more complete understanding of early village life around the world, not to mention subsequent developments in the northern and central Southwest. In this issue of Archaeology Southwest Magazine, we explore the transition to village life on the southern Colorado Plateau prior to about A.D. 900. How did the mobile foragers of the Archaic period (7000–1500 B.C.) ultimately become the village farmers we recognize as the ancestors of today’s Pueblo people?


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In this issue:

A New Way of Living: Early Settlements on the Southern Colorado Plateau — Sarah A. Herr

In Brief: The Neolithic Package — Sarah A. Herr

Emil Haury and the Definition of Mogollon Pithouse Villages, 1931–1955 — Stephanie Whittlesey and J. Jefferson Reid

Paul Sidney Martin’s Research at Early Settlements in Arizona, 1956–1972 — Stephen E. Nash

An Early Village in the Hay Hollow Valley — A. E. Rogge

Learning from the Beethoven Site — Sarah A. Herr, Maren Hopkins, and T. J. Ferguson

In Brief: A Project of Opportunities — David Zimmerman

In Brief: Some Projectile Points from the Connie and Beethoven Sites — R. Jane Sliva

A New Look at Pithouse Settlements in the Petrified Forest — Gregson Schachner and William Reitze

Photo Essay: Early Rock Art of the Middle Little Colorado Plateau — Henry D. Wallace

Picturing People in Early Villages — Kelley Hays-Gilpin

Early Communal Architecture on the Southern Colorado Plateau — Dennis Gilpin

In Brief: William Longacre and Beethoven — Sarah A. Herr

Food Storage in Early Settlements — Lisa C. Young

A Short History of Early Cooking Vessels in the Southwest — Eric Blinman and C. Dean Wilson

In Brief: How Do We Know People Used a Vessel for Cooking? — Eric Blinman and C. Dean Wilson

Back Sight — William H. Doelle