Banner image by AFBorchert, via Wikimedia Commons
Visitors should call ahead to plan their trip: (928) 734-2401. Accommodations and restaurant are available.
From the website of the Hopi Cultural Center:
Walpi, located on First Mesa, is a historic village, with its high-rise dwellings and a view for beautiful sunsets. On top of the First Mesa, there are three villages that are recognized for their handmade Hopi pottery, artistic paintings & drawings, and Hopi Katsina dolls.
On Second Mesa, where the Hopi Cultural Center is located, are the villages Shungopavi, Sipaulvi and Mishongnovi. Second Mesa villages are noted for fine Hopi weaving of traditional clothing, coiled baskets, artistic paintings & drawings, Hopi Over-lay Jewelry, and Katsina dolls.
On Third Mesa, you will find the village of the Old Orabi; the oldest settlement dating back to 1100 A.D. with ruins still standing. Third Mesa also consists of a subsidiary of Old Orabi called Kykotsmovi, village of Bacai, Hotevilla, and Upper & Lower Moencopi, which are located 65 miles west on HWY 64. Third Mesa is recognized for their fine Hopi weaving of traditional clothing, wicker weaving plaques, and multicolored yucca baskets, artistic paintings & drawings, Hopi Over-lay Jewelry.