The Casa Grande Community (ASW 33-4)

The Casa Grande Community

Issue editor: William H. Doelle

40 pages




Inside this issue:

The Casa Grande Community, William H. Doelle
Spotlight: The Nation’s First Federally Protected Archaeological Site, Tobi Lopez Taylor
The Meaning of Huhugam, Barnaby V. Lewis
Exploring Indigenous Associations with Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Cait B. McPherson and T. J. Ferguson
Life at the Grewe Site, Douglas B. Craig
Spotlight: Early Work at the Grewe Site, Mark Hackbarth
In Memoriam: Douglas Craig, William H. Doelle
A New Look at the Casa Grande Community’s Growth and Development, Christopher R. Caseldine and Arleyn W. Simon
The Casa Grande Ballcourt, Douglas B. Craig
Spotlight: Stone and Lac, Sharlot Hart
Interpreting the Casa Grande, David R. Wilcox
Spotlight: Ritual Pathways, J. Brett Hill
Special Architecture at Casa Grande Ruins, Jeffery J. Clark
Adamsville—Towers and Stories, Henry D. Wallace and William H. Doelle
Hohokam Canal Systems along the Middle Gila River, M. Kyle Woodson
The Casa Grande Irrigation Community, David A. Gregory
In Memoriam: David Gregory, William H. Doelle
The Escalante Community, David E. Doyel
Spotlight: The Poston Butte Site, William H. Doelle
Leaving Casa Grande, William H. Doelle
Akimel O’Odham Cultural Traditions regarding the Past, Chris Loendorf and Barnaby V. Lewis
The Polvorón Phase, Christopher R. Caseldine
Preservation Spotlight: Introduction, William H. Doelle
Preservation Spotlight: Sheltering the Casa Grande, Rebecca Carr Wong
Preservation Spotlight: The Perils of Pageantry at Casa Grande Ruins, Tobi Lopez Taylor
Preservation Spotlight: Protecting Compound B, Michael Brack
In Memoriam: John Andresen, William H. Doelle
Back Sight, William H. Doelle

Archaeology Southwest Magazine Vol. 33, No. 4

Issue editor: William H. Doelle

This revised and expanded issue of Archaeology Southwest Magazine chronicles more than a century of research, preservation, and educational endeavors related to the Casa Grande (also known as the Great House) and its ancient community. It also celebrates the process of returning Indigenous voices to the telling of the story.

The Casa Grande Community, William H. Doelle

Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

About the Hohokam archaeological culture

Historical maps and photos of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument at the American Southwest Virtual Museum

Map references:

Dart, Allen
1983  Agricultural Features. In Hohokam Archaeology along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Vol. 3, Specialized Activity Sites, edited by L. S. Teague and P. L. Crown, pp. 345–573. Archaeological Series No. 150, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.

Howard, Jerry B.
1992  Maricopa County, Arizona, Central Phoenix Basin, Archaeology Map. Soil Systems, Inc., Phoenix, and Geo-Map, Inc., Tucson.

Woodson, M. Kyle
2013  Map of Prehistoric Hohokam Canal Systems in the Middle Gila Valley, 4th edition. Cultural Resource Management Program, Gila River Indian Community, Sacaton, Arizona.

Manje illustrations on page 7:

Manje, Juan Mateo
1954  Unknown Arizona and Sonora, 1693–1721: From the Francisco Fernández del Castillo Version of Luz de Tierra Incógnita. Translated by Harry J. Karnes. Arizona Silhouettes 284, Tucson.

Map on page 7:

Fewkes, Jesse Walter
1912  Plate 5. Casa Grande, Arizona. Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 25–179. Washington, DC.

Spotlight: The Nation’s First Federally Protected Archaeological Site, Tobi Lopez Taylor

An administrative history of the monument prior to 1992:

Clemensen, A. Berle
1992  Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Arizona: A Centennial History of the First Historic Preserve, 1892–1992. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

The Meaning of Huhugam, Barnaby V. Lewis

Gila River Indian Community

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Ak-Chin Indian Community

Tohono O’odham Nation

Exploring Indigenous Associations with Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Cait B. McPherson and T. J. Ferguson

Gila River Indian Community

Hopi Tribe

Pascua Yaqui Tribe

Pueblo of Zuni

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Life at the Grewe Site, Douglas B. Craig

Craig, Douglas B.
2001  The Grewe Archaeological Research Project. Anthropological Papers 99-1 (three volumes), Northland Research, Inc., Flagstaff, Arizona.

Spotlight: Early Work at the Grewe Site, Mark Hackbarth

Hackbarth, Mark R.
1998  Irwin and Julian Hayden at the Grewe Site. Kiva 64(2): 211–223.

In Memoriam: Douglas Craig, William H. Doelle

Tribute at the website of the Arizona Archaeological Council

A New Look at the Casa Grande Community’s Growth and Development, Christopher R. Caseldine and Arleyn W. Simon

The Casa Grande Ballcourt, Douglas B. Craig

Fact Sheet: The Hohokam Ballcourt World

Group Identity and the Hohokam Ballcourt World, by Leslie D. Aragon

Spotlight: Stone and Lac, Sharlot Hart

Larrea tridentata and lac 

How fluorescence works 

Interpreting the Casa Grande, David R. Wilcox

Architectural maps of the Great House (American Southwest Virtual Museum/WACC)

Photographer at Casa Grande during spring equinox activities, 1981 (American Southwest Virtual Museum/WACC)

Wilcox, David R., and Lynette O. Shenk
1977  The Architecture of the Great House and Its Interpretation. National Park Service, Western Archeological Center, Tucson.

Wilcox, David R., and Charles Sternberg
1981  Additional Studies of the Architecture of the Casa Grande and Its Interpretation. National Park Service, Western Archeological Center, Archaeological Series No. 146, Tucson.

Spotlight: Ritual Pathways, J. Brett Hill

Fewkes, Jesse Walter
1907  Excavations at Casa Grande, Arizona, in 1906–07, Vol. 50, pp. 289–329. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington, DC.

1907  A Fictitious Ruin in Gila Valley, Arizona. American Anthropologist 9(3): 510–512.

Hill, J. Brett
2019  A Path Forward: Casa Grande as Metaphor. Paper presented at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque.

Manje, Juan Mateo
1954  Unknown Arizona and Sonora, 1693–1721: From the Francisco Fernández del Castillo Version of Luz de Tierra Incógnita. Translated by Harry J. Karnes. Arizona Silhouettes 284, Tucson.

Nentvig, Juan
1980  Rudo Ensayo: A Description of Sonora and Arizona in 1764. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Special Architecture at Casa Grande Ruins, Jeffery J. Clark

Fewkes, Jesse Walter
1912  Plate 44. Casa Grande, Arizona. Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 25–179. Washington, DC.

Adamsville—Towers and Stories, Henry D. Wallace and William H. Doelle

Fewkes, Jesse Walter
1912  Plate 2. Casa Grande, Arizona. Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 25–179. Washington, DC.

Gladwin, H. S.
1928  Excavations at Casa Grande, Arizona, February 12–May 1, 1927. Southwest Museum Papers, No. 2. Los Angeles.

Mindeleff, Cosmos
1896  Plate LIV. Casa Grande Ruin. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 289–319. Washington, DC.

Pinkley, Frank, and Edna Townsley Pinkley
1931  The Casa Grande National Monument in Arizona.

Hohokam Canal Systems along the Middle Gila River, M. Kyle Woodson

Woodson, M. Kyle
2016  The Social Organization of Hohokam Irrigation in the Middle Gila River Valley, Arizona. Gila River Indian Community, Anthropological Research Papers 7, Sacaton, Arizona.

Correction: The image on page 25 is misattributed. The image is by Andrew L. Christenson. We sincerely regret the error.

The Casa Grande Irrigation Community, David A. Gregory

In Memoriam: David Gregory, William H. Doelle

Obituary from the White Mountain Independent

The Escalante Community, David E. Doyel

Spotlight: The Poston Butte Site, William H. Doelle

Leaving Casa Grande, William H. Doelle

Akimel O’Odham Cultural Traditions regarding the Past, Chris Loendorf and Barnaby V. Lewis

Loendorf, Chris, and Barnaby V. Lewis
2017  Ancestral O’Odham: Akimel O’Odham Cultural Traditions and the Archaeological Record. American Antiquity 82(2): 423–423.

The Polvorón Phase, Christopher R. Caseldine

Preservation Spotlight: Introduction, William H. Doelle

H.R. 4840, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Boundary Modification Act of 2019

S. 3119, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Boundary Modification Act of 2019

Preservation Spotlight: Sheltering the Casa Grande, Rebecca Carr Wong

More about the 1932 shelter 

Preservation Spotlight: The Perils of Pageantry at Casa Grande Ruins, Tobi Lopez Taylor

More about the pageants

Biography of Frank “Boss” Pinkley (National Park Service)

Historic photos of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and of Pinkley at the American Southwest Virtual Museum

Preservation Spotlight: Protecting Compound B, Michael Brack

Photos of Compound B from the American Southwest Virtual Museum/WACC:

North Mound of Compound B after Fewkes’s excavations, circa 1906 

Compound B viewed from the southeast, circa 1925 

Compound B, circa 1929

Compound B, circa 1929 (2)

Compound B, circa 1929 (3)

Compound B, circa 1930 

Brack, M. L.
2012  Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Drainage Improvement Project: A Summary of Backfilling at Compound B. Project Report No. 11-143. Desert Archaeology, Tucson.

2011  Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Drainage Improvement Project: A Summary of Backfilling and Erosional Control at Compounds A, D, and G, and the Ballcourt. Project Report No. 10-130. Desert Archaeology, Inc.

In Memoriam: John Andresen, William H. Doelle

Andresen, John M.
1983  Hohokam Murals at the Clan House, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Kiva 48(4): 267–278.

1987  Archival Excavation: Frank Midvale and the Casa Grande Canal. Kiva 52(3): 229–235.

Shaul, David Leedom, and John M. Andresen
1989  A Case for Yuman Participation in the Hohokam Regional System. Kiva 54(2): 105–126.

Back Sight, William H. Doelle

Echo-Hawk, Roger C.
2000  “Exploring Ancient Worlds,” In Working Together: Native Americans and Archaeologists, ed. Kurt E. Dongoske, Mark Aldenderfer, and Karen Doehner, pp. 3–7. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.

Kino’s map:

Burrus, Ernest J.
1965  Kino and the Cartography of Northwestern New Spain. Arizona Pioneer’s Historical Society, Tucson.