Reimagining Chaco Canyon
Interpretations of Chaco Canyon tend to emphasize the ritual activities and the ceremonial center model for the Puebloan world. Although this is part of the story, there is much more to the history of Chaco that needs to be highlighted. Drawing upon 35 years of experience in and around Chaco Canyon, New Mexico State Director Paul Reed balances views of Chaco by illuminating the residential and farming aspects of this complicated ancient Puebloan society.
Working with Indigenous Partners in New Mexico
In this talk, New Mexico State Director Paul Reed summarizes the work undertaken to engage Pueblos and Tribes in New Mexico over almost two decades. Relationship-building and trust-building take time. However, the rewards of Tribal engagement cannot be overstated.
The Amazing Cultural Landscape of Las Ventanas, El Malpais National Monument
The Las Ventanas Puebloan community and cultural landscape lies about 130 km (almost 80 miles) south/southeast of Pueblo Bonito, near the southern limits of direct Chacoan influence. Significantly, this great house community exhibits a well-developed cultural landscape that emerged over at least 100 years of use by Puebloan peoples. In this talk, New Mexico State Director Paul Reed highlights results of archaeological investigations in the lava west of Las Ventanas, that have revealed numerous trails, cairns, bridges, and other features related to the complicated mosaic of use in this dramatic landscape.